Collaboration scan

You have many collaborations within and outside your company. Very different in character, but all essential for the proper functioning of the company. If there are little things that chafe, you hope they will go away on their own. Sometimes that works, but sometimes those chafing spots develop, with major consequences for relationships and collaborations.

With the collaboration scan you pay attention to your collaborations, see what is going well and what could be improved. I also guide (dormant) team conflicts towards renewed energy and mutual trust in the common goal.

For whom?
The collaboration scan tests and improves on a relational and substantive and/or financial level and is intended for collaborations:

  • within teams and between teams
  • between partners, management, MT
  • with customers
  • with suppliers
  • with financiers
  • and with other stakeholders

The process:

A quick scan discusses which collaborations are being examined
I then speak to everyone involved individually
In a joint conversation we discuss the points for improvement that emerged and actions for improvement. With team coaching, this can take several sessions, depending on the issue.
Where applicable, new or amended agreements can be legally assessed.

What does a collaboration scan yield?

Clarity about mutual expectations and processes
(Renewed) trust in each other and in a successful continuation of the collaboration
Strengthening the relationship

Call or email for a no-obligation introduction

When a business relationship unilaterally canceled existing agreements, this led to an immediate conflict situation and also to logistical problems. Petra first spoke to both parties separately. Based on this and by digging deeper, creative solutions emerged. Petra then organized a meeting with both parties. In this session a solution was jointly chosen and the sting was removed from the personal conflict.

Owner of sales consultancy

Professionally distant and at the same time intensely involved. This is how I experienced the coaching by Petra. During the outbreak of the coronavirus, I was overcome with intense fear. In three telephone sessions, Petra got me back on my feet, although she emphasizes that I did this myself. She literally guided me outside with (telephone) walking sessions. I can now breathe freely again, sometimes even cheerfully and carefree. Thank you Petra!

S. van Beveren, owner of marketing agency

The coaching I received from Petra has been a starting point for me on an endless journey through a beautiful world called ME. I have become aware that my own mindset and how I feel about myself determines my behavior and how I experience my fellow travelers. For me personally, this has resulted in a more natural balance as a person, not just as a professional or as a leader. I would like to give this gift to anyone who is ready and dares to look in the mirror with Petra.

Financial manager Private Equity firm

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